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Never compare your life

Never compare your life to another person

Written more than two thousand years ago, the Tao Te Ching is one of the true classics of spiritual literature. It is a guide to cultivating a life of peace, serenity, and compassion. Through aphorisms and parables, it leads readers toward the Tao, or the Way, harmony with the life force of the universe. These words of wisdom can be life changing when applied to our current life because they imply harmony. Our bodies naturally vibrate towards harmony because that is our natural state both physically and mentally.

Our culture places so much emphasis on competition. Whether on a micro or

macro level, from an early age we are taught to be the best. Not to deny that there is some validity to wanting to do your best, is there a negative

side effect to this mentality? Is constant competition healthy? Does that lead you to your best life of joy and happiness?

Before social media, kids were compared to their siblings, cousins or perhaps the neighbour down the block. Now, comparison has reached unprecedented levels due to social media platforms showcasing life's achievements at every milestone. We have to be aware not to use other's measurements for our life. In fact, we have to stop measuring experiences in life and instead be present for them.

Next time you look at someone and compare yourself, turn your angle towards positivity. Whatever their achievement was, send them a blessing and truly feel that emotion emanate from your Heart. Recognise your own journey and the beauty of it. Through self love, acceptance and self

respect, you free yourself from comparison to others. There is no need to compare. You never know what others are going through or why they made certain decisions. Many people feel pressured to make decisions for the happiness of others, but in the end, rob themselves of that very happiness because it was not their wish. Whatever the story may be, live from your Heart. Wish others well, wish them happiness and success.

Take time to find out what you love and what brings you joy, concentrate on that. Even if it is only an hour a day, the more you open your Heart through connecting to joy, the more that will come to you, like a magnet. Let go, connect to yourself and life becomes unlimited in Love and experiences of learning and joy.

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