Small Intestine is the partner organ of the Heart. SI8 is known as the Small Sea in English and an amazing point for many issues including tennis elbow, golfers elbow, elbow pain, hip pain, ankle pain, gum and tooth pain to name just a few things.
This point helps swelling or pain in the gums or teeth (toothache) and even the cheeks. It also helps shoulder pain. Stimulating this point resolves damp heat which is the cause of most facial and mouth swelling. It also removes obstructions from the channel and calms the mind.
SI8 is easiest found with a flexed elbow; the point is located in the depression between the ulna and humerus bones.
When you press on the point, it may feel a little numb., which is fine. Press or rub for 2-3 minutes on both sides, 1-2 times a day.