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Emission and retention

Emission & Retention (Part 6 of 6 – The Cause of Dis-ease)

There are two types of elimination and emission according to Tibb philosophy, which are natural and induced. 

Natural elimination is the natural function of the body to rid itself of waste by different means such as the exchange of gases through the lungs, passing stools and urine, sweating and menstruation. 

The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said, “When one of you needs to go to the toilet and prayer has begun, let him begin with the toilet instead of standing in prayer whilst holding it in, and upon relieving himself, join the prayer” – Mustadrak Al-Hakim.

Emission through lawful sexual intercourse (i.e. through Nikkah) is also part of human nature. The Prophet (SAW) himself married and encouraged his followers to marry.

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said, “He who can afford to marry should marry, because it will help him lower his gaze from looking at unlawful things and guard his modesty (i.e. private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power” – Al-Bukhari Volume 7 Book 62 Number 4. 

In a narration reported by Ibn Abbas (RA) the Prophet (SAW) said, “There is no concept of abstention from marriage in Islam” – Mustadrak Al-Hakim.

“We used to participate in the holy battles led by the Prophet (SAW) and we had nothing, no wives with us. So, we said, ‘Shall we get ourselves castrated to relieve sexual urges?’, The Prophet (SAW) forbade us to do so” - Al-Bukhari Volume 7 Book 62 Number 13.

The various emotions also play a role in elimination. They eliminate various toxins from the body because the experience of various emotions is linked with the movement of the muscles, secretions of different glands and changes in breathing and the circulator system. 

Induced elimination is the elimination of waste products which are accumulating in the body by other means such as cupping, laxatives and diuretics. 

Removing bad blood through the practice of cupping (hijama) was also practiced by the Prophet (SAW). Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that, “The Prophet (SAW) was cupped whilst he was in a state of Ihram” - Al-Bukhari Volume 3 Book 29 Number 61.

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW), “Healing is in three things: a gulp of honey, cupping and branding with fire (cauterising). But I forbid my followers to use (cauterisation) branding with fire” - Al-Bukhari Volume 7 Book 71 Number 584.

Cupping on 17, 19 and 21 of each Islamic lunar month is preferable whereas cupping on Tuesday has been discouraged.

Abu Hurayra (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever is treated with cupping on the 17, 19 and 21 will be healed from all diseases” – Sunan Abu Dawud Volume 4 Book 27 Number 3861.

Kayissah bin Abi Bakrah reported that her father would forbid his family from cupping on a Tuesday and he said that the Prophet (SAW) said, “Tuesday is a day of blood in which there is an hour wherein the blood does not clot (i.e. it will continue to flow)” - Sunan Abu Dawud Volume 4 Book 4 Number 3862.

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