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Weight loss

Majority of the people who come to see me are not fat, its just fluid retention which is easily solved so our aim would be for you to eliminate that weight through urination, strengthening and warming the Stomach so Spleen can do her job and eating 3 balanced meal every day, NOT dieting. Your tongue will be flabby, damp, swollen with teeth marks, tongue body will have no colour, pale or dirty colour, possible no coat, may have multiple cracks and your pulse can be barely felt. 

Another important thing I look at is stress or other sickness such as are you on cancer treatment or steroids? Stress is a killer but if we do not look at ways of eliminating stress, we will retain the weight.  Cancer drugs are very toxic for the body and here in Australia medical doctors prescribe methotrexate and steroids like they are handing out sweets to a child with absolutely no feelings. These things go against Islamic ethics and values in my opinion that is causing so much harm. 


- Hijama for a lymphatic drainage to get the Spleen function going. 

- Regular acupuncture, heat lamp and moxibustion to eliminate stress and water retention. 

- Chinese herbal medicine to take internally at home to assist with urination. As well as urination herbs, your doctor will also add in herbs to warm and strengthen digestive function, herbs for the Liver if you are stresses, some blood and energy tonics and anything else required according to your diagnosis. 

- TICM doctor will prepare a food plan for you to cater for your whole family if you are not single. 

- Drink ginger tea minimum twice a day, first cup between 7-9am and last cup after last meal. 

- Eat sweet potatoes for breakfast to strengthen Spleen and congee or bone broth to strengthen Stomach (please see previous posts on how to make).

- Drink bone broths and soups for dinner with no carbohydrates. 

- Drink black coffee with no sugar no milk. For energy add a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut and organic unsalted butter. But avoid coffee between 11am -1pm as that is Heart resting time. If you don’t, you will end up with Heart issues that medical tests will not pick up so medical doctors will not understand your condition. 

- Honey is prophetic and excellent for weigh loss (will do separate post).

- Eat less fruits due to fructose content, ensure all fruits have seeds.

- Eat more steamed vegetables. 

- Drink a glass of room temperature water before a meal. 

- When you think you are hungry, drink a glass of room temperature water. If you are still hungry after 30 minutes, have a healthy snack such as dates if it is not mealtime.

- Avoid eating or drinking at least 2 hours before bedtime. If you don’t, you body cannot carry out its detoxifying process leading to further weight gain. 

- Avoid eating when upset, angry, frustrated or sad. 

- Avoid eating out as you do not know how the meal was prepared. 

- Avoid fatty, greasy foods, sugars, sweeteners (these are poison even stevia).

-Avoid cold and raw food and drinks even in hot weather.

Avoid ice, ice cream and yogurts.

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