The immune system is the body’s first line of defence. When triggered, white blood cells rush to the affected area, which can trigger symptoms such as redness, swelling that is warm to the touch, pain, and stiffness. Flu like symptoms can also be implicated when inflammation is taking hold of the body's host defense mechanisms. We normally think of up-regulating the immune system, however, sometimes it can be overactive. In this case, balancing the immune response might be a more accurate approach. In the case of chronic inflammation, due to an overly active immune system, the immune response must be down regulated.
Role of the microbiome:
The microbiome plays a key role in modulating inflammation, mainly in the regulation of the immune response. This finding indicates that targeting the microbiota could help support healthy inflammatory pathways.
Approximately 70% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract where the majority of our microbes live. Inside the human body, microbial cells outnumber human cells by a factor of 100, correspondingly, considerable study has been focused in this area. To better define and understand the microbial role in host physiology, health, and disease pathology, extensive scientific study is warranted from mainstream medicine viewpoint.