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Writer's picture: Jahanara MonafJahanara Monaf

The scholar Ibn al-Qayyim in his Prophetic medicine mentioned some of the health benefits of leeks. He said that when leeks were cooked and eaten, or their juice drank, they were beneficial for haemorrhoids. He also said that leeks had a certain quality as diuretic promoting the formation of urine, and helps stimulate the menstrual flow.

Ranking high on the nutritional chart, leeks are a popular remedy for several ailments. They are highly nourishing, inexpensive and plentiful. Used in various forms, from soup to burek, leeks can add aroma, flavour, and richness to almost any recipe.

Leeks are a member of the all-powerful Allium family, which includes onion, garlic and chives, and therefore share many of the health benefits of these vegetables. Leeks have a milder, sweeter taste than onions, and are not as rich in the anti-carcinogenic chemicals, but are important in the detoxification process. Eaten regularly, they are associated with helping to reduce blood pressure to healthy levels, and reducing the risk of strokes. They help to keep the arteries clear and supple by preventing a build-up of plaque. They have also been found to combat prostate and colon cancer, both reducing the risk and slowing the growth of tumours.

Detoxify skin: Leeks are a natural diuretic and detoxify your skin by trapping harmful substances and flushing them out of your body. The perfect cleanse your body, making your skin look radiant.

Protect your skin against the sun: The green leaves of leek contain 100 times more beta-carotene and twice as much vitamin C as in the white parts. This combination of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as other powerful anti-oxidants in leeks, protects your skin against damage by free radicals and harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Promote hair growth: Leeks are an important source of iron which helps the hair follicles to grow. They are also rich in vitamin C that promotes the absorption of iron by the body. Deficiency of iron can cause anemia which is one of the causes of hair.

Great for your bones: High content of vitamin K in leeks activates osteocalcin, a protein that is vital for bone health. A cup of leeks provides about 42 micrograms of vitamin K which is 47 and 34 percent of the daily recommended amount for women and men respectively.

Fight inflammation: Vitamin K has anti-inflammatory properties that can fight against chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis. The abundance of vitamin K in leeks prevents chronic inflammatory diseases and unwanted calcification of the arteries. Besides vitamin K, vitamin B6 in leeks also provides anti-inflammatory benefits.

Aid digestion: A prebiotic, leeks help in digestion, and stimulates and strengthens the stomach, kidneys, and gut. Fibrous vegetables like leeks enable you to eat slowly, hence properly digest your food. This prevents overeating and makes you feel full.

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