There are many reasons why you could be feeling lack of energy or tired compare to what you used to be or usual self. I encourage do not automatically turn to supplements, find out what is causing these issues. There are so many reasons internal and external that could be causing a lull in your energy levels. Anything from lack of sleep to stress to poor diet could be the culprit. However, TICM believes that fatigue arises from an imbalance or deficiency in one’s organs, blood or energy.
Let us look at the symptoms you are facing and why.
Depleted energy (Qi): energy (Qi) is our vital energy, or life force. It comes from food and air, and circulates in the body. If you are tired and wan and prone to colds, you may be suffering from a energy deficiency. Other symptoms include lack of energy, poor appetite, shortness of breath and a weak pulse.
Depleted Yang (sun/warm): Yang energy is associated with heat, warmth and light. Its complement is yin (moon/cold) energy, which is characterised by coolness and darkness. Our bodies need a balance of yin (moon/cold) and yang (sun/warm) in order to function well. Yang deficiency is a common problem during the winter, which tends to be cold and damp.
Blood deficiency: Blood nourishes the organs and is closely related to energy, as energy directs blood flow and blood carries energy around the body. Common signs of blood deficiency include paleness, forgetfulness, a thin pulse and pale tongue body.
Another way to look at fatigue is by looking at the clock. The time of day you are facing fatigue can also give you a clue as to what is going on.
7-9am Stomach: Yang Ming channel is the stomach meridian with abundant energy (Qi) and Blood. Blood nourishes the organs and is closely related to energy, as energy directs blood flow and blood carries energy around the body. Common signs of blood deficiency include paleness, forgetfulness and a thin pulse.
9-11am Spleen: The Spleen extracts nutrients from food, transforms it into energy and transports it to other organ systems. Imbalances may show up as loose stools, bloating after meals, craving sweets, and low energy.
11am-1pm Heart: If the fatigue hits you around lunchtime, this is linked in TICM to your cardiovascular system. Avoid coffee at this time as overtime it may lead to things such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitations, and other chest issues that medical tests will not pick up.
1-3pm Small Intestine: Afternoon fatigue points to your Kidneys and Bladder. Bladder is an organ in its own right in TICM and a very important one.
3-5pm Urinary Bladder: This is a time of the day when you can feel a dip in energy levels, especially if you are not well hydrated. This is why we drink tea/coffee at this time of day, which is the wrong move.
5-7pm Kidney: Dark circles under your eyes are a sign of Kidney depletion. I cannot emphasise enough that you must look after your Kidneys.