Dragon fruits are in stores in Australia and it is a must buy cactus plant with its vibrant green and reddish-pink hues indicate that the fruit is full of nutrients, while the creamy white flesh spotted with black seeds gives way to many rich and natural properties.
- Worried about aging? Eating a dragon fruit with its rich anti-oxidants can keep the skin tight and young. You can even make a face mask using the fruit combined with honey as a natural alternative to anti-aging masks. Plus the anti-oxidants assist in getting rid of free radicals and cancer producing properties in your body.
- Need more fibre in your foods? With a high fibre content, the dragon fruit can assist with poor digestion and constipation. Eating the flesh and seeds, which contain good protein, will keep your body fortified and satisfied.
- Want a healthy Heart or has your TICM doctor told you that you have Heart related issues? This fruit has an amazing power that helps decrease bad cholesterol levels and replenish good levels. Dragon fruit is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, helping the heart stay in excellent condition.