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Teeth and Kidneys

We hope that brushing and flossing will maintain a healthy smile. But that is not always the case. Some people with high standards for oral hygiene still have dental issues. Let's take a look from a TICM perspective.

In TICM, each organ governs sensory organs and tissues that make up our body. The Kidney system is responsible for our bones, teeth and gums. Consistent teeth problems or even dreaming about teeth can indicate that there is an imbalance within the Kidney organ system (which includes the Urinary Bladder). One scenario can be that you are stressed to the max and the Kidney has become weak and overworked, resulting in inadequate nourishment to the teeth and gums.

Furthermore, each tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian which is related to various organs, tissues and glands in the body on this particular meridian or "energy highway." This connection can often indicate your overall health and wellness by reviewing your dental condition. If a person has a weak internal organ, the condition of the associated meridian tooth could make it considerably more problematic.

To help the overall health of the teeth and bones look back at previous Kidney posts to harmonise the energy needed for bone health. Practice meditation, breath work and most efficiently, Qigong and/or Salaah. Skip strenuous exercise and stretch and go for a walk instead. Eat restoring Kidney loving foods like seaweed, wood ear mushrooms, black beans, miso, kale, ginger, chives, wild fish and bone broth. The Kidney loves foods that are dark in colour and naturally salty.

Note: please note things such as locked jaw and teeth grinding is due to stress relating to the Liver.

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